Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Harvest is Coming!!!

We are proud to announce that our student organization has partnered with Second Harvest Food Bank to host a food/fundraiser for the holidays. So clean out your pantries, or while your doing your holiday shopping grab one or two items to donate.  Even the smallest contribution can help feed a family.

We will be accepting food donations until December 17, 2104.  Food bins are located in Clark Hall at the Political Science Office and in the PSA Office. A list of ideal donation foods are listed on the flyer. To see our donation page please visit

Meschelle Noble
Public Relations Chair, Pi Sigma Alpha - Epsilon Iota (SJSU)

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Our Prison Reform Event was a Success!!!

PSA would like to thank all of our members for all the help and support in making this event happen. PSA would also like to take this time to thank all of our special guests who gave insight to the issues surrounding prison reform. Thank you all! Please stay tuned for our next special event!

Meschelle Noble
Public Relations Chair, Pi Sigma Alpha - Epsilon Iota (SJSU)

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Morris Dailey Auditorium at 6pm. Be there or be square!

Tonight is the night! Come join Pi Sigma Alpha for our panel discussion on Prison Reform! California State Senator Jim Beall will be the keynote speaker. You don't want to miss this wonderful opportunity!

Meschelle Noble
Public Relations Chair, Pi Sigma Alpha - Epsilon Iota (SJSU)

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Countdown: 1 day left!!!

That's right! Pi Sigma Alpha's panel discussion on Prison Reform is less than one day away! Don't forget to attend this most prestigious event! You don't want to miss out on this one, I promise!

Prison Reform

A Pi Sigma Alpha Event

NOVEMBER 12, 2014
6:00 PM TO 7:30 PM




Dr. Garrick Percival (Political Science)
Javier Aguirre (Director of Reentry Services for Santa Clara County)
Chief Hirokawa (Under-Sheriff and Chief of Corrections for Santa Clara County)

Troy Beliveau (Captain, Office of the Sheriff, Santa Clara County)

Meschelle Noble
Public Relations Chair, Pi Sigma Alpha - Epsilon Iota (SJSU)

Monday, November 10, 2014

Only 2 days left until our Big Event!

If you haven't already mark your calendars for this Wednesday, November 12th from 6:00pm until 7:00pm! Pi Sigma Alpha will be holding a Prison Reform panel in Morris Dailey Auditorium debating how legislation and local government can impact prison realignment. The keynote speaker is California State Senator Jim Beall so don't miss out on this unforgettable treat!

Meschelle Noble
Public Relations Chair, Pi Sigma Alpha - Epsilon Iota (SJSU)

The Election Results Are In!!!

Pi Sigma Alpha would like to congratulate all the members who are now holding new chair positions! Below is the list of new chair holders:

Vice President: Christina Bruni
Secretary: Michael Hopkins
Membership Recruitment Chair: Yonis Musa
Special Projects Chair: Jourdin Hermann
Fundraising Chair: Sumaya Alqadhy
Scholarship/Academic Chair: Stephen Myrick
Events/Social Chair: Enrique Navarro-Donnellan

Historian: Lida Azim

Congrats everyone, now it's time to get to work!

Meschelle Noble
Public Relations Chair, Pi Sigma Alpha - Epsilon Iota (SJSU)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Don't forget to vote!

It's not too late! There is still time to vote for the 2014 mid-term election! Remember the right to vote wasn't always guaranteed to everyone in this country so get out an exercise your right to vote in this mid-term election!

Meschelle Noble
Public Relations Chair, Pi Sigma Alpha - Epsilon Iota (SJSU)

PSA makes history!

PSA had the pleasure of meeting Swedish Member of Parliament, Mr. Goran Montan today.

Meschelle Noble
Public Relations Chair, Pi Sigma Alpha - Epsilon Iota (SJSU)

Monday, November 3, 2014

Meeting Reminder!

November meeting will be held this Wednesday, November 12th at 5pm in Sweeney Hall, room 239. We will not have a guest speaker since the focus of this meeting will be on our elections. I encourage everyone to attend this meeting so they can vote.  The more students who attend, the more democratic the process will be. See you all Wednesday!

Meschelle Noble
Public Relations Chair, Pi Sigma Alpha - Epsilon Iota (SJSU)

Prison Reform

Our big event of the fall semester is finally here! On November 12th at 6pm in Morris Dailey Auditorium, PSA will be holding a panel discussion on prison reform including a keynote speech from California State Senator Jim Beall. You don't want to miss this!
Background: After more than three decades of tough-on-crime politics and policy, California’s prison system became the largest in the nation by the mid-2000s. At its peak, California’s prisoner populations topped 170,000 —more than double the correctional system’s designed capacity.  Due to overcrowded conditions and insufficient prisoner health care services, the federal courts forced California to reduce its prison population. In response, California lawmakers adopted AB 109 in 2011—the controversial “prison realignment” plan designed to shrink the state’s prison population by diverting many offenders away from state prison and into county jails. California has a lot to gain or lose from prison reform.  Our keynote speaker and panelists will share their thoughts, concerns, and hopes for prison reform in the Golden State and what it means for law enforcement officials, social service providers, and the struggle to improve public safety.  

Meschelle Noble
Public Relations Chair, Pi Sigma Alpha - Epsilon Iota (SJSU)