Well, one academic year is over and another to come. A new
president has been selected and he is eager to increase both membership
and visibility. That being said, we'd like to hit the Fall semester
running. So... here are a few things you should do between now and late
One, if you'd like to continue your membership, you should (a) email the advisor so that you'll continue to be on the email list
for announcements (If you've graduated, let the advisor know to move your
name to the alumni email list), and (b) sometime before
the beginning of the Fall semester, print and fill out the application
located online <
-- even if you're only renewing your membership -- and bring it and
your dues to the advisor's office once the semester starts. If you do not qualify
for the full -- nationally recognized -- membership, you can sign up for
the associate membership; if you have the GPA for full membership but
lack the units, talk to / email the advisor. There are benefits to full
membership, not the least of which is the opportunity to compete for the
national office's various scholarships.
Two, consider running for office within the organization. This
looks good on your resume. However, only run if you're serious about
following through with all the responsibilities of the office.
Positions available are: vice president, secretary, treasurer, public relations
chair, fundraising chair, historian, events/social chair, membership
recruitment chair, scholarship chair, and special projects chair. The
only caveat is that the person holding the VP position must be a
nationally recognized member, all the rest listed can be held by people
who are solely associate members. The organization has an office in
Clark Hall for the officers; if you are elected, you'll have access to
the PSA office -- with its computer.
Three, think about what you'd like to see PSA do next year. One of
the activities the organization has put on in the past is Plato Club,
which is a gathering of the current and past members -- think networking
opportunity -- for food and conversation. The national office also has
funds for activities that involve the theme of the year (which has not
yet been announced); in the past, the organization has put on a dinner
talk on a hot political topic and invited chapters from around northern
California -- it was a hit.
Four, consider being a representative to the Leadership Conference.
One of Student Involvement's requirement for continued recognition of
the organization is that two members must attend the conference in
October. One of the members must be an officer, but the other can be
any member of the organization. See <
http://www.sjsu.edu/getinvolved/studentorgs/programs/solc/> for details. If you're interested in attending, let the advisor know.
That's it for now. Enjoy your summer.