Sunday, March 13, 2016

Attention PSA:
We will be holding elections for 2016/2017 Board positions.  Yes, that means we are looking for the next President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer of Pi Sigma Alpha, Epsilon Iota!  All student members wishing to be elected must declare their desire to run prior the election date, which is set to take place on Tuesday, April 12th at 6pm in DMH 208!!! 

This is a great chance to campaign for student office, and we hope all of our members come out to vote and show their support for our candidates!  ALL members can vote!

Natalie Coconubo
President, Pi Sigma Alpha - Epsilon Iota (SJSU)

"Tackling Islamophobia" will be taking place on Tuesday, March 15th at 5pm in the San Jose State Student Union Theater.  Please join us for one of the most important discussions we have ever had.

The event is free and anyone who is interested is welcome to attend.

Natalie Coconubo
President, Pi Sigma Alpha - Epsilon Iota (SJSU)