Our big event of the fall semester is finally here! On November 12th at 6pm in Morris Dailey Auditorium, PSA will be holding a panel discussion on prison reform including a keynote speech from California State Senator Jim Beall. You don't want to miss this!
Meschelle Noble
Public Relations Chair, Pi Sigma Alpha - Epsilon Iota (SJSU)
Background: After more than three decades of tough-on-crime politics and policy, California’s prison system became the largest in the nation by the mid-2000s. At its peak, California’s prisoner populations topped 170,000 —more than double the correctional system’s designed capacity. Due to overcrowded conditions and insufficient prisoner health care services, the federal courts forced California to reduce its prison population. In response, California lawmakers adopted AB 109 in 2011—the controversial “prison realignment” plan designed to shrink the state’s prison population by diverting many offenders away from state prison and into county jails. California has a lot to gain or lose from prison reform. Our keynote speaker and panelists will share their thoughts, concerns, and hopes for prison reform in the Golden State and what it means for law enforcement officials, social service providers, and the struggle to improve public safety.
Meschelle Noble
Public Relations Chair, Pi Sigma Alpha - Epsilon Iota (SJSU)