Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Plato Club Corrections!!!

Hello everyone,
I am sorry, but I made a mistake regarding the location of our next Plato Club.  Our next Plato Club will still be on October 8th after our meeting, but the location has changed.  We will be bowling at Bowlmor, located at 5420 Thornwood Dr., San Jose, CA.  It is about 8 minutes (driving) from our school so we have also changed the time to 6:45pm to give people more time to get there.  I apologize for the mix up and hope that everyone can make it to our "Bowling with Presidents" event!!
Just to clarify, our monthly meeting will still be on Wednesday, October 8th at 5pm in DMH 149B. 
If anyone has any questions, please call or email me and I will be more than happy to clarify any confusion.
Thank you for your understanding,

Natalie Coconubo
President, Pi Sigma Alpha - Epsilon Iota (SJSU)

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Friendly Reminder: the PSA office is located in Clark Hall, room 404H
Office Hours:
Tuesdays: 12pm - 4pm
Wednesdays: 12pm - 3pm

If you are interested in receiving free testing materials, feel free to drop by the office during these hours to be accommodated!

Meschelle Noble
Public Relations Chair, Pi Sigma Alpha - Epsilon Iota (SJSU)
Good Evening Members!
Our next PSA meeting will be held October 8th at 5pm in DMH 149B
See you all there!

Immediately following the meeting, Plato Club will holding a special event called " Bowling with Presidents" at 4th Street Bowl. Come and join the fun!

Meschelle Noble
Public Relations Chair, Pi Sigma Alpha - Epsilon Iota (SJSU)

Midterms are right around the corner! Members, drop by the PSA office during office hours to receive free scantrons and green books! Good luck and Happy studying!

Meschelle Noble
Public Relations Chair, Pi Sigma Alpha - Epsilon Iota (SJSU)