Monday, September 28, 2015

California State Assemblyman Evan Low comes to SJSU!

Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 7, 2015 at 6:30pm in Duncan Hall 318, and do we have a treat for you!  Assemblyman Evan Low will be joining us as our guest speaker for the evening. We will also be holding elections for vacant chair positions, so stop by, meet an elected official, and have some fun with fellow political science students.

Natalie Coconubo
President, Pi Sigma Alpha - Epsilon Iota (SJSU)

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Minutes for 2015-09-09

The minutes for September's meeting are now online
Stephen Myrick
Secretary, Pi Sigma Alpha - Epsilon Iota (SJSU)

Sunday, August 23, 2015

What is Plato Club?
Do not be misled by the name.  This academic organization is fun!  Not that Plato can't be fun, but let's be realistic- unless your a complete nerd, your probably not reading Plato for fun.

Plato Club is our social gathering each month.  Our activities range from pizza and drinks, hiking trips, bowling with Presidents, camping, and much more.  Oh, and did we mention, all events are paid for by PSA? That's right, it's all free.  Plato Club is a great way to meet new people, have fun, and create some awesome memories.

Join us September 9, 2015 at 7pm at 4th Street Pizza for some great food and fun!

Natalie Coconubo
President, Pi Sigma Alpha - Epsilon Iota (SJSU)

Its recruitment time! 
If you are interested in joining our student organization, please visit our website at, fill out an application, and bring it to our first meeting.

Our first meeting of the year will be held on Wednesday, September 9, 2015 at 6pm in BBC 326.  Immediately following will be our PLATO club, which is set to take place at 4th Street Pizza in downtown San Jose at 7pm.

We would like to invite anyone who may be interested in learning more about PSA to come out for some FREE PIZZA and FUN!

Natalie Coconubo
President Pi Sigma Alpha - Epsilon Iota (SJSU)

Meet the new Board for the 2015/2016 Academic Year!

Natalie Coconubo
President, Pi Sigma Alpha - Epsilon Iota (SJSU)

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Women's Wage Equality
Pi Sigma Alpha - Epsilon Iota (SJSU)

A special thank you to Esther Peralez-Dieckmann, Ann Grabowski, Darcie Green, Elly Matsumura, and Dr. Sara Benson for their support and contribution.

Monday, March 2, 2015

PSA Meeting Coming up!!!!

Our next meeting will be held this Wednesday, March 4, 2015 at 5pm in DH 318.  We will be hosting guest speaker, Travis Wise, the International Tax Counsel for Google.  If enough students show interest, he will also be offering us a tour of Google Headquarters in Mountain View, so please try to attend!  We will also be having a representative from Blueprint LSAT coming to share information about their programs and student discounts.  Prospective law students, this is the meeting for you!

Hope to see you all there!

Natalie Coconubo, Pi Sigma Alpha - Epsilon Iota (SJSU)

Swedish Member of Parliament, Goran Montan visits SJSU
Student members of PSA had the privlege of meeting Mr. Montan when he came to San Jose State to announce he would be offering two students the opportunity to study abroad. One male and one female Political Science major will be chosen to visit Stockholm for one week to better understand the Swedish economic and political system.